Salalah, The Land of Frankicense

After landing at Salalah Airport, you are first greeted with the inscription: "Welcome to the land of Frankincense!" and you begin to feel a very gentle, but well-recognized aroma.
The city of Salalah has the largest frankincense market in the world, where you come to immerse yourself in the spells of frankincense and the smell that accompanies every step.
Every frankincense merchant burns their resin, and shoppers choose the ones they like best.
The differences in Frankincense odor depend on the area where the Boswellia Sacra trees grow and the period when the resins are collected from the trees.
Therefore, trying the different scents in this market is very important. Exploring, smelling and choosing the best quality, type, most fragrant aroma, and this experience lasts for multiple days.
When visiting here for the first time, it is very important to have a guide, a professional Frankincense expert, who shows and shares knowledge about all the nuances of this sacral incense.
Then it is safe to say that the frankincense bought here is the best in the world.
Salalah, Dhofar